
Dismantling Racial Capitalism Series: A Conversation with Arun Kundnani

Update —
December 13, 2023

Another thought-provoking discussion at the latest 'Dismantling Racial Capitalism' series in the books! Arun Kundani, the esteemed author of ‘What is Anti-racism? And Why It Means Anti-capitalism,’ alongside Tejasvi Nagaraja, engaged in a profound conversation moderated by Nikhil Singh. They delved into the complexities of anti-racism and its intrinsic link to anti-capitalism, touching on pressing issues such as colonialism, the plight of Palestine, the echoes of empires, and the necessity for collective action. The dialogue illuminated the entrenched structures of power and offered enlightening perspectives on mobilizing for change. The evening left attendees with new insights and a reinforced urgency to strategize for actionable solutions against inequality and exploitation. For further exploration on this topic, check out Arun's insightful book ‘Anti-racism and Why It Means Anti Capitalism’, available at @versobooks.

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