
Art of Purpose Practice Circle at NYCC

Update —
June 13, 2024

The Art of Purpose fellows gathered in a day-long Practice Circle at the offices of NYCC on June 13th. Thank you NYCC! We discussed how change is constant. It happens already and automatically. We change ourselves and the world intentionally as a part of cultivating purpose. Our bodies are part of this intention. We practiced centering, gathering ourselves by tuning into our breath, and easing our muscles and nervous system in order to be present, open, connected, and to pace ourselves under pressure. We built awareness of how we tend to react habitually in our thoughts, emotions and physical sensations as we organize under multiple pressures. It would not be the Art of Purpose without the discussion we had on how centering on our commitments to our deeper purpose can organize and steer us as we build our leadership and our social movements for strategic change.

Check Out The Video!

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